Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG has chosen deltaconX to fulfil their EMIR reporting obligation

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OeKB AG is a privately owned institution, which is authorised by the Austrian Republic, to support the local economy with attractive credits to finance investments in Austria and abroad. By offering its “Export Services, Capital Market Services as well as Development Financing, OeKB trades products that fall under the EMIR reporting obligation, especially interest rates and cross-currency products, which they intend  to report via deltaconX regulatory platform in the future.

The ever-changing regulatory framework makes it very difficult and cost intensive for market participants to comply with their obligation. The centrally maintained deltaconX regulatory platform is hosted in two highly secure data centres in Switzerland and all regulatory and technical changes are part of the  services at no extra cost.

Especially now that the “Draft Technical Standards under EMIR REFIT” have been published by the European Securities and Market Authority (EC) and should be approved by the European Commission soon, it makes sense to re-evaluate whether a complete individual rebuild of the entire architecture is the most efficient way to proceed, or whether the utilisation of a specialised external provider would be the most efficient way for the future.

We at deltaconX, together with our partners SimCorp and Finastra, convinced over 200 financial and non-financial institutions to use our deltaconX regulatory platform directly or indirectly to fulfil their reporting obligation under various regulations through our state-of-the-art and highly secure private cloud-based reporting platform.

If you want to learn more about our services, please contact us via sales@deltaconX.com.

About deltaconX

deltaconX is a full-service provider offering a unique software & support package catering for European financial-, energy- and commodity trading organisations, as well as other non-financial institutions enabling them to meet their various regulatory reporting obligations such as EMIR EU & UK, MiFIR/MiFID II EU & UK, SFTR EU & UK, FinfraG and REMIT within a unified platform. Advanced exception, data and reconciliation management functionalities as well as flexible integration methods reduce efforts and the total costs of ownership to a minimum.

For more information visit us at www.deltaconX.com

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