Last Monday was the SFTR go-live for our buy-side financial clients.
All our direct and partner’s clients have successfully reported during the first week, so all of their reports have been accepted by the chosen Trade Repository.
We currently support two TRs (DTCC GTR and REGIS-TR S.A.) and both have acknowledged and accepted all reports that have been submitted through our deltaconX regulatory platform.
All in all the SFTR reporting started smoothly and can be considered as a success for the regulators, the trading associations, the market participants and also the vendors, that have all contributed to make this go-live extremely smooth compared to EMIR, MiFIR/ MiFID II or any other transaction-based reporting regimes before.
Now in the EU27 countries the majority of the market participants, being active in the securities financing business, have started to report under SFTR and only the NFC clients are still to come on the 11th of January 2021.
We wish all our clients and all market participants good continuation with their reporting under SFTR and look forward to also make the reporting start comparably smooth to our NFC clients as of January 2021.
About deltaconX
deltaconX is a full service provider offering a unique software & support package catering for European financial-, energy- and commodity trading organizations enabling them to meet their various regulatory reporting and market surveillance obligations such as EMIR, MiFIR/MiFID II, SFTR, FinfraG and REMIT within a unified platform. Manual efforts and the total costs of ownership are therefore reduced to a minimum.
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